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Dürckheim Rütte

Dürckheim Rütte
Existential-psychologische Bildungs- und Begegnungsstätte Todtmoos-Rütte
Schule für Initiatische Therapie

Initiatic Therapy / Introduction

Tuschezeichnung Graf Dürckheim Rütte Initiatische Therapie» It is to differentiate, then, between experience and change, between the Initiatic Experience and the Initiatic Way, which Way takes up that which has been experienced in a commitment to transformation. «
Karlfried Graf Dürckheim

True Nature

Initiatic Therapy offers companionship on the path to experiencing ourselves and finding out who we are, inspired by an inner voice that calls us to set out for something which is deep inside and yet still ahead of us.

In the early fifties Prof. Dr. K. Graf Dürckheim and Dr. M. Hippius-Gräfin Dürckheim developed a healing art for the soul – Initiatic Therapy. The Latin word “initiare” means opening the door to the mystery which we ourselves in the depth of our being are, starting a process of healing and growth.
It takes moments into account, when life is put into question in an existential way, stirred up by what will turn out to be the impulse of our true nature: the point where fate and trauma leave no escape and reveal no meaning.
If you feel addressed at this point, you may realize that what people usually call “disturbance” can make your personality grow and widen.

We address people – regardless of origin or age - who are connected in the depths of their souls and moved by existential concerns and burning questions centring around
  • reflection, deepening und evolvement
  • life orientation and positioning
  • the meaning of their lives: where do they come from and where are they going?

"It is me who is meant”

In Initiatic Therapy a field is opened to a new understanding of your own path as somebody “struck”. I am the one who is spoken to. It is a totally personal thing. “It is me who is meant”. This “me” ascends from the depths within and is not identical with the “worldly ego” as termed by Dürckheim.

Today the individual struggles more and more with emerging questions:
  • Who am I at the core of my true nature?
  • What is the meaning of my existence?
  • What perspective should I take?
  • What is the sense of my current experience in life?
  • Why is this happening to me?
Life patterns start moving. Boundaries become perceptible and question the present way of life fundamentally. An inner force asks for embodiment and realisation. Such experience, understood as a “divine disturbance”, addresses the human being as a whole and calls for a new order of life.


If you take such questions seriously, you can be touched to the core.
A transformation will be initiated, born out of need and inner misery. The following process of individuation aims at the restoration of a wholeness in a new and superior sense. It will possibly go along with despair, loss of orientation, fear, sadness, pain and longing, but also with a deep zest for life, a perhaps unknown bliss and a new quality of love.
Through such an experience of the primal depths of the soul, which are imprints of humanity in a general sense, the individual will find a new sense of identity and become able to handle life in a creative way.

Initiation and Individuation

Initiatic Therapy means initiation and individuation, experience and transformation. You are supported and accompanied in your quest. It is a work on your Core and comprises an individual accompaniment in life crises. You are offered help to shape your path of life true to your own inner voice. According to such a view, psychic and psychosomatic dysfunctions are a sign that some inner blockade is hindering the individual in this process of incarnation and individuation.

Way of Working in Rütte

The priority of our work is the holistic curing of people, their reconnection to their immanent true nature, not the elimination of symptoms of disease.

In Rütte this task is pursued in a sober working atmosphere. It is also a place for encounter, of companionship on each other’s paths.

The therapeutic work is focused on the individual client’s needs.

The original media of Initiatic Therapy are Personal Somatic Therapy, Guided Drawing, Meditation and Spiritual Exercise completed by additional media such as Colour, Music, Dance, Clay, Sword Work, Astrology and I Ging.
In therapeutic counselling the images and signatures of a client’s biography, of his dreams and creative processes are decoded on the basis of a deep knowledge of the subconscious.

Additionally, we offer group activities, for instance with Fairy Tales, Guided Drawing, Hara Exercises, Qi Gong, Aikido and Dance.

Tuschezeichnung Graf Dürckheim in Rütte Initiatische Therapie» The events which, with plutonic Core-Force (Kernkraft), are capable of overwhelming Man in this Age require of each individual a thoroughly penetrative structuring extending to the precipitous depths and the indefinite heights. «
Maria Hippius-Gräfin Dürckheim

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